CBD is an interesting cannabinoid because unlike its sister compound THC, which integrates perfectly into our CB1 receptors, CBD has a very low binding affinity for our CB1 or CB2 receptors. However, it stimulates these cannabinoid receptors in other interesting ways.
The best cbd oil increases our body’s ability to produce more of our endocannabinoid 1-AG and also inhibits our FAAH enzyme; an enzyme responsible for the breakdown of anandamide, another endogenous endocannabinoid that is vital for homeostasis. Along with these two endocannabinoids critical to homeostasis in the body, CBD’s ability to increase these natural compounds shows just how important this cannabinoid is for overall health and well-being.
Many people who start taking CBD tell us that they can start cutting back on other pharmaceuticals. As unbelievable as it sounds, we’ve even heard that people can replace their previous medications with just CBD.
And while research provides strong evidence for this, it’s still a good idea to see a doctor when you start using CBD. This is due to its potential interaction with an enzyme in our body called the CYP450 enzyme. This enzyme is responsible for the breakdown, metabolism and release of the required amount into the bloodstream, a large number of pharmaceuticals currently on the market.
When this enzyme is “busy”, the drugs in our system cannot be broken down and metabolized as efficiently, resulting in higher levels of these drugs in our system than our bodies require. Simply put, CBD (along with other compounds found in foods such as grapefruit) can “borrow” this enzyme, meaning that the medications you use can enter your bloodstream unmetabolized and, in addition, in large quantities.
Most physicians recommend taking CBD an hour or two after taking a standard medication, however, we are not physicians and therefore cannot make any medical advice or recommendations, so here is a great link that lists medications that require CYP450 enzyme metabolism, for reference. If you are concerned, contact your doctor and have them monitor your blood levels of medication while you increase your CBD dose.
Terpenes are the basis of aromatherapy, a therapy that has been used for centuries, using scents to stimulate the olfactory system, the part of the brain associated with smell. Essential oils such as lavender for relaxation, lemon essence for mood and memory, and many more. Terpenes have been proven to have several therapeutic properties for the physical body.